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Marcelo Vieta

Principal Investigator, Project Lead

The Conversion to Co-operatives Project

MARCELO VIETA, Principal Investigator of the SSHRC-funded Co-opConvert project, is Associate Professor in the Program in Adult Education and Community Development and Director of the Centre for Learning, Social Economy & Work, both at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT). Marcelo is the author of the book Workers’ Self-Management in Argentina: Contesting Neo-liberalism by Occupying Companies, Creating Cooperatives, and Recuperating Autogestión (Brill/Haymarket, 2020), and was lead researcher and author of the report The Italian Road to Recuperating Enterprises and the Legge Marcora Framework: Italy’s Worker Buyouts in Times of Crisis (EURICSE, 2017), the first comprehensive study of Italy’s contemporary worker buyouts developed in collaboration with its co-operative sector. Marcelo is currently leading two major research projects studying business conversions to cooperatives and youth-focused work integration social enterprises in Canada and is an active member of the International Network of the Workers’ Economy and the Community Economies Research Network. He also serves on the board of the Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation and is one of three Americas representatives on the International Co-operative Alliance's Committee on Co-operative Research (ICA-CCR). Marcelo researches and teaches on the sociology of work, workplace and organizational learning and change, economic democracy, the social and solidarity economy, the new cooperativism, and critical theory. Regionally, he specializes in Latin America, Canada, and Italy, with a  focus on labour and co-ops  in Argentina.

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